Tuesday, October 21, 2014

October C4K Summary

I am so thrilled I get to read these post every week. This is my favorite part of EDM 310, and I love seeing how creative these kids are. They are so cute, and I definitely get a good laugh at how humorous mine are. Being able to interact with these kids around the world throughout the week, reminds me why I love teaching so much!

Week 1:

My student was really concerned about how he was going to make his mark on the world. He was really upset because he was getting older and he had not figured out how to achieve the mark he wanted to leave. I had explained to him that he was so young and has so much more to experience in life. Once he got a little older and gets to experience the world, his mark will just come to him and will forever remain on the world. I told him not to worry, he has plenty of time to figure it out, and to enjoy life while he is still young.

Week 2:

My student Bella told me everything about herself. She loved basketball, volleyball, horses, and dogs. She also liked to go shopping and making crafts. We had a lot in common and really connected. I explained to her that we were a lot alike. I also like animals, shopping, and crafting. I also told her that my sister plays all of the same sports she does, and I was just a cheerleader in high school. She was really fun to get to know, and her blog was very enthusiastic and entertaining.

Week 3:

My student really cracked me up! She had to identify things in something the class had to read. She began explaining a few things and came across a bride and a groom. She had mentioned in her blog post how one day she wants to be a bride. I told her we both have the same dream, and I hope one day she gets to fulfill that dream.

Week 4:

Owen is a six year old student at PT England School in Auckland, NZ. He is in Class 7, and Mrs. Jacobsen's teacher. His blog post this week was on the importance of fitness and exercising. He explains that exercising keeps your body strong and fit, and fitness means having the energy to work and play. He also did a little research, and says that exercising help you relax, sleep better, and stay fit. Owen also says, "You need to move it!" If you need any motivation to go to the gym, I strongly recommend you read this post! I am so proud of him for encouraging others to be healthy.

Image of kids running

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